UA-306271-1 TMTW - Are You Making Some of These 5 Social Media Mistakes?

Are You Making Some of These 5 Social Media Mistakes?

7 February 2018
7 February 2018, Comments Comments Off on Are You Making Some of These 5 Social Media Mistakes?


These days we all know that social media isn’t an option, but a necessity, but at the same time many aren’t sure how to go about it with any degree of effectiveness.

All too often we stumble into it, and not only fail to generate any results we can point to, but can in many cases actually hurt our own brands by inadvertently making several easy to make mistakes. Let’s take a look at what these mistakes are, and ways to avoid them.

5 Social media marketing mistakes to avoid

    • Not being visual – These days people are all about wanting to view, not read. So regardless of whether you have a video, cool image or unique infographic, rest assured that your visual content will be read more, engaged with more ,and ultimately be acted upon much more. Just sayin’.
    • Constantly selling – Put yourself in their shoes: do you enjoy having sales messages in your face all the time? No. Neither does your audience. Strive to make your sales pitches no more than 20 percent of your content at most.
    • Making negative comments disappear – This is a big no-no. If people determine that you are managing your social media in this fashion, they’ll not trust you in any way. It just looks as if the complainer was right, and you’re attempting to hide it. Instead use this as a chance to show awesome customer service!
    • Don’t buy likes and fans – Even though this appears at first glance to be an easy way to pump up the volume on your social media, the truth is it will have the opposite effect. The social networks won’t like it, and any real fans or followers you have will see right through it.
    • Don’t use LikeBait – LikeBait, as its name implies, is the act of bating people to like your post or page by crafting a controversial or otherwise titillating headline to get people to click or like. The thing is, there is usually not real or relevant content behind the headline. Facebook hates this as well, and is changing their algorithm to exclude it.


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