You have your marketing program in place. You are successfully ‘touching’ your clients and prospective clients. The articles and blogs you are posting to your company website and social media pages are beginning to get the results you want – people are looking at them ‘liking’ them and agreeing to ‘follow’ you. You are sending out your postcards and delivering your brochures to the real estate and other offices that have asked you to, so they can give them out to their prospects.
Now you must capitalize on your success and expertly drive it home so you tighten the connections. You want everyone to keep following you and you want to bring in new business.
In this article we will look at how to make the most of your Title Agency Social Media Marketing by discussing how you personally follow up.
Just doing what you have done, so far, will get you some results. The Realtors®, builders, attorneys and others who value your marketing pieces will begin to use your title services. Others will still need more time and, probably, more touches.
Success really comes from going to the next level – and this is an easy way to do that.
Follow these simple steps to encourage more of your prospective clients to give you their first title order. When you next meet someone who is following you on Facebook or LinkedIn, for example, thank them. Ask them a question that will get them talking with you.
Remember, a high quality ‘touch’ is a powerful sales tool. When they talk with you they really get to know you, like you and value you. This encourages them to want to give you business.
These simple steps will set you apart from other title agents. Most will have little sales experience, so they will not be able to develop mature relationships in this way. When you meet your prospective clients at professional gatherings, they don’t want to be sold to, they want to share mutually-important topics. When you follow these steps, you are doing just that.
It is ‘touches’ like these that get you that first title order sooner than you might expect.
Remember, we are here to help you get the most from your marketing, so please contact us – so we can ask each other some questions.