UA-306271-1 TMTW - Title Company Marketing: Goals - Strategy - Success

Title Company Marketing: Goals - Strategy - Success

17 July 2018
17 July 2018, Comments Comments Off on Title Company Marketing: Goals – Strategy – Success


Everyone – Sellers, Buyers, Realtors, Title Agents – we all set goals.

The Home Seller’s goal (just to take a simple example) is to sell for the highest price the market will allow, in their preferred timescale and on the most favorable terms. The Buyer’s goal is to get the most value for their money, in their preferred timescale and with the least hassle. The Realtor’s goal is to get a speedy and clean contract that leads to a timely and smooth closing. Your goal, as a title agent, is to close as many transactions as possible, on time and for the right fee.

Behind these goals lie the strategies – the Seller wants to move on to the next phase in their life, the Buyer wants to live happily ever after, the Realtor wants to grow their business, and you want as many title orders as possible to come to you – instead of you going out looking for them.

Your strategy is based on powerful and effective title company marketing.

The more of your clients and prospects you ‘touch’, the more useful, interesting (and frequent) you make those ‘touches’, and the better you network across your marketplace community the more likely those title orders will come flowing in.

You set your goals, you establish your strategy, you deliver on that strategy and you grow your business.

Our goal is to make that as easy and as certain as possible for you.

As you know, effective marketing takes time and skill. It also takes putting the right system in place.

You ‘touch’ your clients and prospects at meetings, you ‘touch’ them through your blogs, by following them and being followed by them on social media, by providing them with flyers they can give to their own prospects, by sending them postcards so they keep you in mind and by them raising you up until you are ‘top-of-mind’. By doing those things well, the title orders do come flowing in.

That is where we come in. ‘Title Marketing That Works’ is the leading marketing strategist for title companies. Contact us and see how we can deliver marketing success for you. We’ll learn about you, provide coaching and powerful, free seminars for you, we will design the most appropriate marketing program for you – and then we will drive it for you and measure its results for you so you can focus on doing two things – capitalizing on the strategy we develop and closing more transactions.

We look forward to hearing from you – click this contact us link and let’s begin.

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