Know Your Goals
If you shoot for the moon you’ll miss your foot! That is true in real estate, generally, as well as in title company marketing.
It always pays to know your goals.
Here is a simple set of actions you and your staff can take so you set and achieve your goals.
Which brings us to the next element.
Know Your Market
Your market is made up of specific offices in specific service areas – real estate, residential or commercial lending, etc. You decide which service areas and which particular offices you want to build the business relationship with.
Too many title companies use what we call ‘shotgun marketing’. Yes, you’ll hit something if you distribute your fliers to every office in the area or ‘follow’ every real estate Facebook business page but you should be more incisive – fire your single ‘bullets’ at well-chosen targets. These ‘bullets’ are the ‘touches’ we talk about.
You might decide that most of your business comes from, for example, small real estate offices and local bank lenders. If that’s the market segment you know best, you can begin by expanding that market. If you decide to expand into a new market area, then make that decision and learn more about those offices.
Know the People in Your Market
Your title orders come from individuals. The more people who bring in their escrow checks and their title orders, the more business you do. You and your team know, or have met, people who do not yet give you title work. Sit down with your team and list those you want to nurture, so the ‘touches’ are well-directed and specific.
Know How to Make ‘Touches’ Count
New Realtors® on your list need practical education (beyond their license course), marketing support (help them to grow their business by providing brochures, etc), problem-solving support (common post-contract problems have common solutions) and so on.
Make the ‘touches’ count by giving them what they want. Speak to them individually, lead office seminars, speak about those topics at Association meetings. The more they see you and the more useful you are to them, the more valued you will become – and that is what helps bring in new orders.
Commercial lenders have different needs from residential lenders, so find out what ‘the buzz’ is in the community and use it – for their benefit and, ultimately, for yours. This might give you blog topics or subjects for seminars.
In Conclusion
The more you know the more effective you are. Our goal is to help you become more effective. One way we do that is by acting as your ‘outsourced marketing director’ and by helping you to automate your marketing strategy.
That gives you the time to focus on your goals, your market and your ‘touches’. So please contact us so we can work with you to get your marketing exactly where you want it to be.