UA-306271-1 The TMTW System

The TMTW System

Separate Your Title Company From the Competition

The mission of Title Marketing That Works (TMTW) is to help you improve your sales and marketing and increase the sales of your title company. To reach that goal we use the following methods:

1. One-to-One Consulting.

While many title companies run a great title operation, they may not be the best marketers. InChris Ripley our one-to-one consulting relationship we become your “outsourced” marketing director. We develop your strategic marketing plan through market research in your target markets. Then we develop your tactical marketing plan (the things you do) and help you implement that plan. We will help create your web site, develop marketing pieces (brochures, sales letters, postcards, etc.), and generate leads (with email, postcards, seminars and events, etc).

We use the Title Marketing That Works Sales Automation System (included in commitment) to target your current customers and nurture the prospects we develop. We become part of your team, helping you get the best prices possible on all of your materials. Title company marketing that works!

This is a minimum 6 month commitment with geographic exclusively. There are a limited number of consulting slots and sometimes you may have to wait a couple of months to get started. We meet weekly online and quarterly in person. We give you a weekly progress update and monitor your return on your investment. Prices vary based on size of project.

Individual coaching and our Mastermind Group provide for lower cost consulting arrangements. Contact us at 301-638-4755 for specific prices.

2. Title Marketing That Works Sales Automation System (TMTWSAS), Powered by Infusionsoft.

73% of All Sales Leads Take More Than 30 Days to Become Clients

The TMTWSAS helps make you the “top-of-mind” title company in your market.

It takes at least 7 touches before a prospect will trust you enough to consider doing business with you. Half of the salespeople give up after the first touch and 80% give up after the third touch. The TMTWSAS makes sure you get those seven touches.

Our 170 customized and personalized letters and action notices provide the system you need to automate your marketing efforts. Prospects won’t fall through the cracks. No more managing your follow-up with a stack of business cards. You‘ll market just like you process a settlement – with a system.Chris Ripley Infusionsoft Certified Partner

The TMTW Sales Automation System:

  • Prevents prospects from “falling through the cracks.
  • Keeps in contact with 10-20 times more prospects (sales is a numbers game—the more people you contact, the more sales you will make)
  • Keeps your current customers coming back
  • Increases your referrals

Price Includes:

  • TMTWSAS Campaigns in your Infusionsoft Application
  • Set-up Application including Marketing Center and Installation of Campaigns
  • Customization of letters to your company
  • Training for one year (six hours in first 6 weeks then 30 minutes every month)
  • TMTW monthly Mastermind calls with tips and tricks for using the system

3. Title Marketing Education

With both online and live seminars we educate title companies and their employees how to become better seminar photo

Our list of seminars includes (all available live online on a quarterly basis and as recorded seminar package for online purchase):

1. Title Marketing for Settlement Officers
2. The Title Marketing Formula
3. Developing Your Strategic and Tactical Marketing Plan
4. Email Marketing for Title Companies